Service Contracts
CTL is committed to support
Utilizing the latest innovations, CTL’s staff provides prompt responses to all your support needs!
We take pride in the quality of our products and our ability to support our customers on a technical and scientific level. A warranty is included with the purchase of an Analyzer and can be extended with subsequent service contract options. In addition to our in-house engineering staff dedicated to repairing and maintaining CTL Analyzers, CTL can quickly diagnose and cure problems via the internet. During any down time, we offer free plate scanning services for machines under warranty or service contract.
Internationally, we have established a network of CTL offices and distributors to ensure that all of our customers, in over 30 countries, have their support needs met.
Scientifically, we transfer our knowledge gained from our own GLP laboratory research to our customers, facilitating a strong collaborative network of researchers. The basic operation of the ImmunoSpot® software and the analysis of “ideal” assay results (pristine spots over no background) can be learned in minutes. However, for certain cytokines and experimental systems, ELISPOT results can be rather complex, requiring the utilization of advanced features of our ImmunoSpot® software. We pride ourselves on “having just about seen it all” and have come up with image analysis solutions for even the most complex of ELISPOT results! With our “ImmunoSpot® Interactive” web-based consultations, we can instantly assist you in analyzing such complex results.
By purchasing an ImmunoSpot® system, you gain access to the joint expertise of the leaders in the field!
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Service Contract Options
While we take pride in the quality of our analyzers, there is always the risk of hardware failure.
To offset the costs associated with unexpected repairs, CTL offers service contracts and extended warranties which cover the analyzer repair and include free “emergency” scanning in case of any instrument down-time. The service contract provides the assurance that your research as well as your budget will not be jeopardized.
Service Contract
The option of a service contract on the ImmunoSpot® Analyzer starting in the second year is available. Contact us for details about the service contract option.
Extended Warranty
The option of an extended warranty on the ImmunoSpot® Analyzer starting in the second year is available. Contact us for details about the extended warranty option.
Preventative Maintenance
For GLP compliance work, CTL recommends an annual preventative maintenance visit with calibration service to assure the constant performance of the analyzer. Contact us for more details or to arrange a preventative maintenance visit for your analyzer.