Sylwia Chelstowska, Ph.D.
Scientist, CRO
Personal Statement
The immune system plays a major role in several illnesses such as infectious diseases, auto-immune diseases, and cancer. Therefore, immune monitoring is important for the development of vaccines and immune-oncological therapies. Immunological techniques like ELISPOT, ELISA or flow cytometry are great tools for monitoring the immune response to vaccines or therapies. I have found at CTL a perfect place to improve my knowledge and technical experience in immunology.Education
- Case Western Reserve University, USA – Post-doctoral Fellowship
- Military Institute of Medicine, Poland - Ph.D., Medical Science/Immunology
- Medical University of Warsaw, Poland – Medical Analytics
- University of Warsaw, Poland - M.Sc., Biology/Biotechnology

- Widjaja-Adhi MA., Silvaroli J., Chelstowska S., Trischman T., Bederman I., Sayegh R., Golczak M. “Deficiency in Acyl-CaA: Wax Alcohol Acyltransferase 2 causes evaporative dry eye disease by abolishing biosynthesis of wax esters” The FASEB Journal, (2020), 34 (10), 13792-13808.
- Silvaroli J., Widjaja-Adhi MA., Trischman T., Chelstowska S., Horwitz S., Banerjee S., Kiser P., Blaner WS., Golczak M. "Abnormal cannabidiol modulates vitamin A metabolism by acting as a competitive inhibitor of CRBP1" ACS Chemical Biology, (2019) 14 (3), 434-448.
- Chelstowska S., Widjaja-Adhi MA, Silvaroli JA, Golczak M “Impact of LCA-associated E14L LRAT mutation on protein stability and retinoid homeostasis” Biochemistry, (2017) 56 (34), 4489-4499.
- Arne JM, Widjaja-Adhi MA, Hughes T, Huynh KW, Silvaroli JA, Chelstowska S., Moiseenkova-Bell VY, Golczak M. „Allosteric modulation of the substrate specificity of acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 2 (AWAT2).” J Lipid Res. (2017) Jan 17, 58 (4), 719-730.
- Chelstowska S., Widjaja-Adhi M.K., Silvaroli J., Golczak M. „Molecular Basis for Vitamin A Uptake and Storage in Vertebrates” Nutrients (2016) 8, 676.
- Silvaroli J. Arne J. Chelstowska S. Kiser P. Banerjee S. Golczak M.” Ligand Binding Induces Conformational Changes in Human Cellular Retinol-Binding Protein 1 (CRBP1) revealed by atomic resolution crystal structures” J. Biol. Chem (2016) 291 (16), 8528-8540.
- Chelstowska S. Płusa T. “Znaczenie czynników zewnątrzpochodnych w etiopatogenezie sarkoidozy.” Internat. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Family Med. (2015) Vol.21, No. 3.
- Plusa T. Chelstowska S. „CD34+ progenitor cells in pulmonary sarcoidosis” Pol. Merkur. Lek (2015) XXXVIII/227: 250-253.
- Chelstowska S. Plusa T. „IGRA and tuberculin skin test in patients with sarcoidosis.” Int. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Family Med. (2015) XXI/1: 017-020.
- Targowski T. Chelstowska S. Płusa T. „Tuberculin skin test and interferon-γ release assay in detection of latent tuberculosis infection among Polish health care workers” Int. Rev. of the Armed Forces Med. Serv. (2015) Vol.88, No 3, 34-40.
- Targowski T., Chelstowska S., Plusa T. „IGRA as a predictive factor of silent pulmonary changes in individuals following exposure to tuberculosis.” Lung. (2014) Dec;192(6):869-74.
- Chelstowska S. „Aktualne poglądy dotyczące etiologii sarkoidozy.” Internat. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Family Med. (2014) Vol. 20, No. 2.
- Chelstowska S. Wajs J. Rzepecki P. „Atypowa morfologia limfocytów: dystrybucja skspresji antygenu CD38 na komórkach przewlekłej białaczki limfocytowej.” Internat. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Family Med. (2014) Vol. 20, No. 1.
- Targowski T. Chelstowska S. Płusa T. „Tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay in detection of latent tuberculosis infection among Polish healthcare workers” Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2014, on line: December 16 (2013).
- Chelstowska S. Wajs J. Rzepecki P. Płusa T. „Rola fibrocytów w procesach włóknienia płuc” Pol Merk. Lek. (2014), Vol. XXXVI, No. 211.
- Chelstowska S. Wajs J. Rzepecki P. Płusa T. „The role of fibrocytes in pulmonary fibrosis” Internat. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Family Med. (2013) Vol.19, No. 4.
- Łoniewska-Lwowska A. Chelstowska S. Zagórski-Ostoja W. Pałucha A. „Elements regulating Potato Leafroll virus sgRNA1 translation are located within the coding sequences of the coat protein and read-trough domain.” Acta Biochim. Pol. (2009) 56 (4):619-25.