Cell Counting Kits & Components
Counting of live, dead and apoptotic (LDA) cells within peripheral blood white blood cells (PPMC) is critical for the assessment of PBMC samples’ fitness following cryopreservation or prolonged storage/shipment (Ref). Links to . The accurate counting of live cells in PBMC is also essential for adjusting the cell numbers to be plated into ELISPOT/FluoroSpot assays as divergent live cell counts contribute the largest variability to inter-assay reproducibility. Enabled by CTL’s LDA Cell Counting Suite all fluorescence-capable ImmunoSpot® Readers can do Live/Dead (and some also Apoptotic) counting of PBMC samples that are stained with dyes that selectively stain live, dead, (and apoptotic) cells:

Cell Counting Kits